County asks: Are you prepared for a power outage
Bruce County is asking residents if they are prepared if the power goes out and stays out for a long period of time...
Bruce County is asking residents if they are prepared if the power goes out and stays out for a long period of time...
Southampton Rotary Club and GC Huston Public School saw a $5,000 boost to their playground fund thanks to Home Hardware's Jeff Gauthier and Sarah Sloan...
On December 8th in Port Elgin, the Port Elgin Montessori Preschool hosted a captivating Christmas concert for families and the local community. The event aimed...
Learning Centres Grey Bruce Georgian has given a $2,700 donation to Bruce County Public Library (BCPL) in support of adult literacy in Bruce County...
Local organizations and agencies are working together to recognize the National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women and to commemorate...
100 Women Who Care Grey Bruce (100WWCGB) were proud to present their September donation of $23,500 to The Women’s Centre Grey Bruce...
Bruce Power is set to hold community information sessions in the coming weeks as it continues to advance early engagement with local Indigenous communities and the public...
The Lakeshore Triathlon (previously Kincardine Women’s Triathlon) announced this week that it will be staying in the Town of Saugeen Shores in 2024 and beyond...
Bruce County Public Library (BCPL) says they are "overjoyed" to announce the arrival of their BCPL Bookmobile. The long-awaited mobile library "is designed to bring the joy of reading and learning...
Bruce County Council received the county's Active Transportation and Recreational Trails Master Plan at a Transportation and Environmental Services Committee meeting...
Community Foundation Grey Bruce is pleased to announce $532,000 in funding to support 10 projects in Grey and Bruce counties through the Government of Canada’s Community Services Recovery Fund...