Walk for Alzheimers set for May 27
The Alzheimer Society of Grey-Bruce will once again hosting their annual walk later this month...
The Alzheimer Society of Grey-Bruce will once again hosting their annual walk later this month...
Melissa Root from the Saugeen First Nation Public Library and Resource Centre has been working hard the past month organizing family and community...
The Saugeen Memorial Hospital Foundation (SMHF) kicked off their 2023 Spring Campaign April 24 and with it plans for a Spring Fling weekend of events...
The Southampton BIA is inviting the public to review and discuss the concepts for a High Street Renewal Plan at a public meeting May 20...
In March, staff and elected officials from Bruce County attended the annual MIPIM event in Cannes, France...
Community Foundation Grey Bruce (CFGB) is hosting a workshop for parents and students to help families find, apply for, and get approved for scholarships, bursaries...
2023 marks 85 years of "Service above Self" for the Rotary Club of Southampton and to commemorate the occasion they are thanking the community by holding a free Family Fun Day event...
Regional Tourism Organization 7 announced this week that their 2023/24 partnership programs are now open...
The Canadian Federation of University Women Southport is hosting a symposium for anyone interested in environmental protection and mitigating climate change...
The Town is looking for residents to participate in a food waste diversion pilot program. Saugeen Shores has partnered with Food Cycle Science and the Municipal Innovation Council...
Following a successful launch in Bruce Grey Catholic District School Board (BGCDSB) schools in the fall of 2022, Grey Bruce Public Health...