No criminal activity suspected
The Saugeen Shores Fire Department with the assistance of the Ontario Fire Marshal’s Office and the Saugeen Shores Police Service have concluded...
The Saugeen Shores Fire Department with the assistance of the Ontario Fire Marshal’s Office and the Saugeen Shores Police Service have concluded...
Partnering with Plug’n Drive, the University of Waterloo, local communities and the Asthma Society of Canada, Bruce Power announced...
Hub Staff
A quick response from the Saugeen Shores Fire Department possibly saved a lot more boats than the seven...
At approximately 2:45 am this morning there was a large explosion in the north parking
The Saugeen Shores Chamber of Commerce is pleased to announce the launch of a new trolley service next summer. Starting in June, a trolley will bring tourists...
Free coats will be distributed on November 2 and 3 from 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Adult Learning Centre, 2nd Floor, Maple Square Mall in Port Elgin….
Attendees had a chance to meet Port Elgin author Doug Archer at his book signing and reading October 17 at the Port Elgin Public Library….
Check out the latest edition of Saugeen Shores Snapshots...
Artist Bert De Graaf was taking measurements at the Southampton Market on Wednesday, October 21 for a large three dimensional mural....
Bruce Power has released an update to its free iPad app as part of its ongoing efforts to further inform the public on electricity generation in Ontario and the role played reliable, low-cost nuclear power….
Saugeen Shores Police Service is investigating two recent break, enter and thefts...