
Collective Agreement means wage increases

SS Police7 fullThe Saugeen Shores Police Services Board and the Saugeen Shores Police Association are pleased to announce that a new, three year Collective Agreement has been ratified by the Members of the Association and by the Board.

This agreement will result in wage and benefit cost increases totaling approximately 2.25% in 2015 and approximately 1.82% in 2016. The wage increase in 2017 will be determined by averaging certain other Ontario police service wage increases settled for the year 2017. The current trend among these 2017 comparator settlements is toward lower wage increases. Final wage and benefit numbers for 2017 will be calculated in January of that year.

The new agreement also makes low-cost changes to support improved employee health and fitness and more equitable reimbursement of work related expenses. Offsetting savings will be achieved through targeted changes to contract provisions relating to vacation accumulation.

The new collective agreement will expire on December 31, 2017.

Both the Board and the Association are satisfied that this agreement reflects current trends in Ontario's police sector while protecting the interests of the Association Members and the tax payers of Saugeen Shores.

Both parties look forward building upon this successful agreement through future agreements and throughout the years to come. Most importantly, we look forward to partnering with each other and with the community in our ongoing effort to ensure that Saugeen Shores is the safest place to live, work and raise a family.
