Bike Friendly Friday: Use your bell. Use it well.
The Town of Saugeen Shores and the Saugeen Shores Police Service have partnered up to share weekly tips to encourage and educate all users on how to stay safe...
The Town of Saugeen Shores and the Saugeen Shores Police Service have partnered up to share weekly tips to encourage and educate all users on how to stay safe...
Hub Staff
A modest gathering attended a cemetery rededication ceremony July 24 following a restoration project on a property that is not only significant...
In response to a recent social media post on Facebook, the Saugeen Shores Police Service will be conducting a traffic enforcement campaign...
The Saugeen Shores Police Service's Criminal Investigations and Drug Unit is currently investigating a series of residential break and enters...
A black-legged tick collected in Saugeen Shores has tested positive for the bacteria, Borrelia burgdorferi (B. burgdorferi), which causes Lyme disease...
There was a surprise visitor to Saugeen Shores on Wednesday and Thursday, July 24 and 25 as the Tall Ship St. Lawrence II paid a visit to Southampton...
Work on critical infrastructure projects are again underway as the Port Elgin standpipe construction is expected to continue...
Pier Donnini, owner of Queen’s Bar and Grill in Port Elgin, gave a presentation to Saugeen Shores Council in the July 22 Committee of Whole...
Sally Armani Day has finally arrived for the Chantry Island Chambettes and is set to take place at the Port Elgin Legion on Saturday, July 20...
The Town of Saugeen Shores is seeking public input on the state of tourism in the community. In an July 18 media release, an online survey is available...
Two of Saugeen Shores’ communications initiatives have received Gold dotCOMM Awards. In a July 17 media release, the Town’s recent website redesign...