Police Board looking for public input on building 'deficiencies’
The Saugeen Shores Police Services Board has released a public statement on the state of the Saugeen Shores Police building and is seeking the public's input....
The Saugeen Shores Police Services Board has released a public statement on the state of the Saugeen Shores Police building and is seeking the public's input....
Approximately 35 walkers were ‘man enough’ to don a pair of red high heeled shoes for the Women’s House Serving Bruce and Grey’s...
Muskoka Language International (MLI) is looking for Port Elgin families to host international students from Japan and Spain, beginning in September....
On June 2 from 5 p.m. to 11 p.m. this year’s Relay for Life event will be take place at Saugeen District Secondary School’s...
On May 24 the Saugeen Shores Get Outdoors Youth Club welcomed Heather Little, Senior Manager for Community Support Services for the Canadian Red Cross...
The second annual Southampton Rotary Showcase filled the Rotary Hall in Southampton May 25, with Rotarians and members of the community mixing...
Saugeen Shores and area residents can now enjoy books and videos on the subject of Monarch butterflies and native plant gardening at four area libraries...
The Southampton Craft Show, which will see its 47th year this year, is looking for volunteers. The event will take place at the Southampton Coliseum July 7...
Supporters of Social Athletics of Saugeen Shores (S.A.S.S.) showed up in full force at the Committee of a Whole meeting, May 24, as Ron Kelly a “spokesman for taxpayers”...
On Monday, May 23, Saugeen Shores Police were notified of two missing children from a residence in Saugeen Township. Officers responded...
Early risers had their pick on Saturday, May 21 as bargains and lost treasure were put on display for the annual yard sale day throughout Saugeen Shores....