OPG reminds of water safety concerns around dams and generation stations
Ontario Power Generation is reminding people to exercise caution around waterways when celebrating the Victoria Day weekend...
Ontario Power Generation is reminding people to exercise caution around waterways when celebrating the Victoria Day weekend...
Saugeen Shores Police are investigating multiple complaints of fraud, theft of mail and possession of property obtained by crime...
Aries, Free Spirit, Liberty Park and The DisOrient Express were just some of the 41 vessels that made their way back into harbour waters...
For the 15th year in a row Southampton business owner Armen Higgins of Armen’s Cafe donated his entire day’s earnings, including gratuities...
The second annual youth hosted Relay for Life drew larger crowd of over 100 people for its second year at Saugeen District Secondary School May 12...
Runners ready? Then mark June 3 on your calendar for the 29th annual Rotary Huron Shore Run in Southampton. From the picturesque half...
Despite cold temperatures and pouring rain on May 5, three brave Saugeen Shores teams gathered at the Giant Tiger Plaza in Port Elgin, donning...
After signing a contract with Bruce Power on May 10, Rolls-Royce Nuclear will come to Port Elgin and open its third Nuclear Services office in the country...
Ontario Power Generation (OPG) is closely following developments at the Hanford nuclear waste site in Washington State after a tunnel containing nuclear...
An information report was presented to Saugeen Shores Council May 8 informing them about beachfront upkeep in Southampton and Port Elgin...
Following its approval in principle during the April 24 Saugeen Shores Committee of Whole, poultry in urban areas was made official...