Missing 18 year old found deceased
During an ongoing search for 18 year old Jack Drury, Town of Saugeen Shores employees located Drury’s abandoned vehicle at approximately 10 a.m....
During an ongoing search for 18 year old Jack Drury, Town of Saugeen Shores employees located Drury’s abandoned vehicle at approximately 10 a.m....
The Saugeen Shores Celebrates Canada’s 150th Committee announced the winner of the Canada 150 50/50 draw...
Proceeds from the 29th annual Huron Shore Run were doled out to community groups by race organizers John and June Van Bastelaar August 12...
In 2016, Saugeen Shores Council established the Southampton Town Hall Ad Hoc Committee with a mandate to create long-term structural revitalization and sustainability...
In a significant expression of support for free, prior and informed consent of Indigenous Peoples in Canada, the environmental assessment process for Ontario...
Saugeen Shores Police are trying to locate an 18 year old Saugeen Shores male, Jack Drury...
For the past 13 summers Owen Sound’s Michael Smith has been piping down the sun every Friday night as Southampton’s Sunset Piper...
Over 160 runners in the Light Up Your Nation Colour Run donned running shoes, smiles and embraced the colour that surrounded them at various points in the race...
The Saugeen Shores Police Service would like to thank the public for information which has led to the identification of the owner of the dogs involved...
Organizers are gearing up for the fifth annual Swing, Shoot & Liv Golf Classic in support of the Liv-A-Little Foundation and their fight against Cystinosis...
The Butterfly Gardens of Saugeen Shores (BGOSS) is inviting community members to join them for their community tagging days...