Police looking for missing person
The Saugeen Shores Police Service are currently investigating a missing person incident...
The Saugeen Shores Police Service are currently investigating a missing person incident...
Five locks of hair were donated by members of the Berndt family as well as their friend Jessi Roppel after they collectively raised $3,571...
The 39 commemorative banners that were unveiled during a September 19 ceremony at the Port Elgin Legion...
St Joseph's Public School held their annual Terry Fox run October 6, following Mrs Wilkinson's Grade 7 class sharing the story of a young man...
According to the Grey Bruce Health Unit one person dies every 12 hours in Ontario from an opioid overdose, and from 2010 to 2014 there were nine deaths in Grey Bruce...
Each year the Port Elgin Rotary Club awards two $750 bursaries, one to a graduating male student and one to a graduating female student...
Come Thursday, October 12, members of the Saugeen Shores Refugee Fund (SSRF) will be meeting a new Congolese family of six...
The inaugural Glow Rider Family Bike Night was a hit with kids and even few parents as many jazzed up their bikes, their helmets and themselves...
The story of how a 1984 International Pumper Tanker became part of the Operation Nicaragua project shows the efforts of many...
Saugeen Shores’ very own Emma Schuster, age 15, took first place at Bruce Telecom’s Harvest Star Search competition September 30...
“You have brains in your head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself any direction you choose...