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100 Women Who Care Grey Bruce presented a cheque for $12,500 on Friday to the Southwest Ontario Aboriginal Health Access Centre (SOAHAC) for their September donation. From left, Dominique Legacy, SOAHAC Integrated Care Manager; Lisa George, SOAHAC Mental Health Educator; Lynda Legge, 100 Women Who Care Grey Bruce (100WWCGB) Chair; Marilyn Grahame, 100WWCGB Steering Committee and Nominating Member; Roberta Scharuda, SOAHAC Child and Youth Worker. Photo submitted

Hub Staff

100 Women Who Care Grey Bruce (100WWCGB) continues to grow and on Friday, October 15 presented a cheque for $12,500 to the Southwest Ontario Aborigninal Health Access Centre (SOAHAC) for their September donation.

"We are so excited to be able to donate this money to this incredible agency," said Lynda Legge, Chair of 100 Women Who Care Grey Bruce. "The funds are going to be used to develop a new program called Learning to Thrive and will provide tutoring to students who are interested in strengthening their learning opportunities."

Legge said on Saturday that SOAHAC had already recruited seven tutors and provided them with culturally sensitivity and trauma-informed care training. "They hope to begin the sessions next week," said Legge.

Their largest single donation to date, 100WWCGB is a group of local women who meet four times a year and give to local charities and non profits. Women who join commit to four $100 donations a year at each of the four meetings: April, June, September and November.

The group is informal and modelled after other "100 Women Who Care" groups around the world. There are no fees to join and quarterly recipients are nominated and voted on each quarter by Grey Bruce membership.

You can find 100 Women Who Care Grey Bruce at 100womengreybruce.ca or on Facebook at facebook.com/100WWCGreyBruce.