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From left, Saugeen Shores Mayor Luke Charbonneau, GC Huston teacher Enid Johnson, parent volunteer Brenda Elliott, and Saugeen Shores Deputy Mayor Don Matheson, with the new sign to be installed at Fairy Lake in Southampton.

Hub Staff

Fairy Lake Sparkles, the new name and signage for the new Saugeen Shores festival of lights, was unveiled at a special ceremony following the Southampton Santa Claus Parade, December 6 at the Rotary pavilion.

Celebrating the GC Huston Public School initiative, dozens of families headed to Fairy Lake where they were treated to hot cocoa and treats.

Adding to the atmosphere, the GC Huston band played numerous festive tunes as the crowd checked out the lights and decorations. Even Santa himself took time from his busy schedule to admire the start of a new Saugeen Shores tradition.

“We're so excited about this project that we're going to be starting,” said GC Huston teacher Enid Johnson, explaining that the idea of lighting up Fairy Lake was born when she, along with parent volunteer Brenda Elliott, were at last year's Santa Claus Parade.

Johnson, Elliott, and four Grade 7 and 8 students had presented their concept of the project to Saugeen Shores Council in October, receiving positive comments from councillors.

Johnson explained December 6 that the plan this year was to light up the pavilion. “The Town of Saugeen Shores has been so supportive of us. They are working with us so that next year when you come here after the parade all of Fairy Lake will be lit up and you can walk all the way around it." Johnson added that they will be looking for businesses and families who would like to sponsor something around Fairy Lake. “More details will be coming in the new year.”

Fireworks were set off across Fairy prior to students unveiling of the new sign and Elliott explained that the name had been chosen by students and staff at the school and dedicated to local individuals with a connection and passion for Fairy Lake.

Saugeen Shores Mayor Luke Charbonneau said the pavilion display was fantastic. “I want to say a huge thank you on behalf of the Town of Saugeen Shores to the staff and students at GC Huston school for lighting up Fairy Lake for us this year." Charbonneau added that he had heard from people around town how this was going to become a great Christmas tradition in Southampton. “I absolutely believe that's going to be the case. We're going to have this year after year after year and I'm looking forward to it very much.”

Saugeen Shores Deputy Mayor Don Matheson echoed the mayor's comments. “GC Huston has a long history of being a part of this town and I look forward to seeing this as it grows and grows and grows.”


The Fairy Lake Rotary Pavilion looked very festive December 6, part of Fairy Lake Sparkles in Southampton.

Enid Santa

GC Huston teacher Enid Johnson spoke about the new Fairy Lake Sparkles project as Santa extended his visit in Southampton to greet families and check out the new display at Fairy Lake December 6.


Students from the GC Huston Public School band performed numerous festive tunes from Rudolph the Red Nosed Reindeer to Silent Night.