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Young Briggs

Warrant Officer (retired) Scott Young (left) and Sergeant (retired) Greg Briggs carried the Canadian Armed Forces wreath to lay at the cenotaph in memory of all who have served and are still serving in the Canadian armed forces.

Hub Staff

Lower temperatures and cold winds did not deter the hundreds of people, young and old, who came to gather at the Port Elgin cenotaph November 11 to pay their respects and attend the Remembrance Day service.

“Today we wear our poppy and remember our brave men and women who have served and continue to serve our country during times of war, conflict and peace. Not only today but every day,” said Norma Dudgeon of Port Elgin Legion Branch 340 as she addressed the crowd. “We need to remember the freedoms that we enjoy and never take for granted.”

With this year marking the 75th anniversary of D-Day landings, Legion Chaplain Reverend Chuck Beaton spoke of the Canadians who gave their lives during the invasion on June 6, 1944 and at the Battle of Normandy. “We also remember the 60,000 Canadians who died in World War 1, the 45,000 Canadians who died in World War 2 and the several thousand who have died in other wars and skirmishes since then,” said Beaton. “It is a time for remembrance today and a time for prayer.”

Before the ceremony, Beaton explained why Remembrance Day had always been important to him. “When I do this and preside at a cenotaph service, it has a great deal of history for our family and a great deal of meaning for me because I'm very much aware of the cost that Canada and the other free nations paid in all of our wars,” he said adding that as a child he had three uncles and an aunt all serving in the Air Force during World War 2. “They all returned but they all knew friends who hadn't come back.”

Beaton said that a tremendous price was paid for our freedom today. “It's a day on which we honour that. We honour those who gave those lives. It's a day when we can also thank these people for their sacrifice,” he said. “For me it's a day of sadness and we remember that but we also say as a people we know what we're after. We're after a lasting peace for our homes, our communities and our world. Remembrance Day has it all together.

Colour Guard

The Colour Guard led the Remembrance Day parade from the Port Elgin Legion Branch 340 to the Port Elgin cenotaph November 11.

National Anthem

Reverend Chuck Beaton and Norma Dudgeon of the Port Elgin Legion salute as Erin Milley-Patey began the Remembrance Day ceremony by singing the national anthem. Milley-Patey also brought the ceremony to a close with God Save the Queen.

Last Post

Saugeen District Senior School students perform the Last Post at the Port Elgin Remembrance Day ceremony November 11. From left, Wilton Kahgee, Kyra Brough, Zoe Shave and Kaitlyn Folmer.

Silver Cross Mothers

Escorted by the 340 Air Cadets, Lieutenant Navy (Retired) Pam Mather laid the Silver Cross Mothers wreath, representing all mothers who have lost children in service of their country.

Saugeen Shores

At the Port Elgin Cenotaph, Saugeen Shores Councillor Jami Smith and Saugeen Shores Mayor Luke Charbonneau carried wreaths representing the Town of Saugeen Shores and Bruce County respectively.


Hundreds of people, including students from all four Port Elgin schools gathered to pay their respects at the Port Elgin Remembrance Day ceremony November 11.


With the flag flying at half mast, wreaths were laid at the Port Elgin cenotaph November 11.


The Canadian Armed Forces wreath laid against the maple leaf monument, which honours men and women who have served in conflicts and wars.