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Saugeen Shores Council has voted in favour of the Plex in Port Elgin as being the most suitable location for a proposed YMCA pool facility in Saugeen Shores.

After being deferred October 15, the October 28 decision was driven by the November 12 application deadline for the Community Cultural and Recreation Grant stream that could cover 73 percent of the estimated $27 million capital expense. Staff has emphasized that presenting a firm application with a solid plan for the facility, including the location, is important for the Town to secure these grants.

Prior to the vote, two local business owners stepped forward to voice their concerns on bringing a YMCA to the Saugeen Shores. Holly Vanderzwet, co-owner of Fitness Corner and Fitness Corner South, has operated in Port Elgin for 23 years in Port Elgin and in Southampton for 14 years. Vanderzwet described the proposed YMCA as unjust competition to the existing fitness facilities in Saugeen Shores. As a not-for-profit organization, Vanderzwet noted that the YMCA would not pay taxes to the community but with the municipality paying for the building, her own personal and business taxes will be paying for her competition.

“If the Y goes into deficit, the municipality will bail them out, where is the risk for the Y,” challenged Vanderzwet. “The Y will also have no mortgage to be accountable for, which is something we still have." Vanderzwet added that as she understands it the Memorandum of Understanding guarantees that the Town will cover any shortfalls.

Vanderzwet reported less than 3,000 members between the two Fitness Corners, Lakeshore Recreation and Centennial Pool. “If the Y does not get the 5,000 members which the business plan requires, then how much is the Town on the hook for,” questioned Vanderzwet, who also inquired about the outcome in the case that the Town does not receive the full grants.

Vanderzwet closed by ensuring her support for a new pool, indoor track and basketball courts, but objected to the Town not approaching the existing fitness centres to explore partnerships within Saugeen Shores.

Lakeshore Recreation co-owner Ann MacKay was next to share her apprehensions to hosting a YMCA in Saugeen Shores. "For 37 years Lakeshore has been the recreational hub of Saugeen Shores,” declared MacKay. "We have been providing year-round recreational facilities for families and visitors. The Town staff often elude to [Saugeen Shores] needing a recreational hub and I take that as a personal insult when this is said as we have been here and we are still here."

MacKay informed Council of attempts at instigating a partnership with the Town, most recently in meetings with the Mayor Luke Charbonneau and CAO David Smith on September 13 and September 30, and noted nine private fitness facilities currently operating in the community. MacKay reported that after the YMCA opened in Owen Sound, the two largest private fitness organizations went out of business.

“Have there been any discussions by Council on the impact to these nine businesses and their employees and whether the Town really should compete with its own businesses,” enquired MacKay.

After Committee of Whole, Mayor and Council reconvened for the Regular Council meeting, during which they voted on a Community Services/Parks and Recreation Report that recommended Council receive the YMCA business plan, that staff be directed to begin negotiating a formal agreement with the YMCA and that Council support the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program funding application for a YMCA. Mayor Charbonneau reminded Council that a formal agreement has yet to be developed and will be the next step in the process. Council voted and the recommendation was carried.

Further on in the agenda was a motion, moved by Vice Deputy Mayor Mike Myatt and seconded by Councillor Dave Myette, to select the Saugeen Shores Community Complex (the Plex) as the preferred site for the new aquatic and recreation facility. Councillors who were previously reluctant to commit to the Plex as the preferred site, were swayed by the results of the Ad Hoc Advisory Committee report. The Vice Deputy Mayor, who has been reluctant to commit to the site in the past, admitted to trusting the research conducted and acknowledged insufficient time to explore a new location.

“I don’t think we should jeopardize a $15 million grant. The application deadline is fast approaching,” admitted the Vice Deputy Mayor. “Without that funding we could very well be right back here, right back to square one, talking about what size facility we’re going to build and where.”

Councillor Kristan Shrider commended staff for the work they’ve done on the project and expressed her satisfaction with the results of the Ad Hoc Advisory Committee report. Shrider also expressed objection to the municipality being in direct competition with Saugeen Shores business owners.

“I do think that our existing businesses do have roots in the community and they offer experiences and amenities that their current clientele and new clientele that’s coming to the area, that they will prefer those ones over another model,” suggested Shrider. “I have said and still say that I’m not one hundred percent sure that the YMCA is a right model for Saugeen Shores but what I do know is that we need a pool, I know that we need a track and I know that we need gym space," Shrider said.

“If the business plan and staff consultants are telling us that this is the way that we can get that, then I can’t justify risking a 500 or 700 dollar deficit on the municipality keeping the aquatic centre underneath the municipal umbrella,” Shrider finished.

Councillor Jami Smith addressed the concerns raised in the open forum and confirmed this to be a difficult decision for Council. “What I’m basing my decision on this evening is the statement that was made and voted on earlier, that staff be directed to begin developing a formal agreement,” said Smith.

“What that means to me is that a number of the concerns that were shared... can be and will be met by our staff and our members of Council to ensure that those concerns that are raised by members of our community and members of groups in our community, that we support them and we support what they stand for and we want this to be a made in Saugeen Shores solution that works for all,” confirmed Smith.

With only Councillor Matheson voting against, the motion was carried.


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