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Defenders of the Port Elgin harbour take on Steve Harris (red cape) and Stuart Glass as they splashed back with jugs of lakewater at the annual Dinghy fundraiser September 1.

Hub Staff

On Sunday, September 1 at the Port Elgin Harbour, a wild and wet event took place in support of a local family, the Botting family of Port Elgin. The family's 3 year old son, Easton is battling Lymphocytic Leukemia. What has been a poker run in years past shifted focus for its 16th year into a scavenger hunt. Approximately 100 participants scrambled on foot or by dinghy to uncover the treasures listed. To hinder their opponents, players sloshed, sprayed and dumped water into oncoming dinghies. This year, the Superhero theme added an extra layer of absurdity as caped crusaders were repeatedly splashed in the face while they searched for loot.

Organizer Barb Harris was pleased with the $2,065 raised for the Bottings, which she reported is the most they’ve ever collected with this event. A prize table loaded with 50 generously donated treasures from local businesses was up for grabs for the top 50 registrants to complete to scavenger hunt. The first team to gather all the listed items was none other than Tristan and Stella Harris.


Tristan and Stella Harris didn’t waste any time splashing around. This duo set out on foot and were the first to collect all the items which included driftwood, seaweed, beach glass and more.


From left, Murray, Lucy, and Cohen, a well equipped trio and the second crew to navigate the waters of the Port Elgin Harbour and successfully complete the Dinghy Scavenger Hunt September 1.


Greyson showed off his loot and completed treasure list at the 16th annual Dinghy fundraising event September 1.


An armed landlubber defends her harbour against the approaching pirates spotted in Port Elgin September 1.


Bat Boy Carrick with his Sidekick Toby de Gryp managed to find all the loot required for the 16th annual Dinghy fundraising event held in Port Elgin on September 1.


Accompanied by his two legged companion Tom Andrews, crew member Bailey was eager to participate in the 16th annual Dinghy Scavenger Hunt to raise money for the Botting family of Port Elgin.


Alex (left), Captain Doug, and Kent the Navigator (right) were ready to set sail on a Dinghy Scavenger Hunt adventure September 1.


One of many drenched dinghy duels to take place at the Port Elgin Harbour on September 1 as part of a scavenger hunt to raise funds for the Botting family.


Team ‘Not Superheros’ towed in an exceedingly large piece of driftwood to complete their Scavenger Hunt list.


Armed with their water soakers and keeping an eye out for sneak attacks from questionable superheroes at the Dinghy Scavenger Hunt at the Port Elgin Harbour September 1 were cousins (from left) Declan Moffat (8), Kaylee Adam (11), Leighton Versteeg (4), Maddy Adam (13), Griffin Versteeg (7), and Caden Moffat (10).


This team of Incredibles, Marilyn Grahame from Tara and 13 year old niece Grace McGillivray from near Paisley, successfully hunted down every item on their list.


A fully loaded prize table awaited the top 50 competitors. All prizes were donated by local Saugeen Shores businesses.


An unexpected drenching left this crew scrambling to reload their water guns before another bucket was upon them. All participants received a good soaking at the annual Dinghy fundraiser at the Port Elgin Harbour September 1.

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