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Bike Friendly Friday 4 560


The Town of Saugeen Shores and the Saugeen Shores Police Service have partnered up to share weekly tips to encourage and educate all users on how to stay safe when enjoying our trails and roadways together.

Tip #3: Share the Trail. Respect all users.


Saugeen Shores’ 40 km of trails are one of the many things that make our community a beautiful place to live, play and visit. Our popular trail network is used by cyclists, rollerbladers and pedestrians; including those using mobility devices, pushing strollers or on horse back.

To provide a safe and enjoyable experience for all, it is critical that all trail users follow our Trail Safety Guide and show respect, compassion and understanding for all while using the trails.

Trail Etiquette

• Trails are for non-motorized use only. Mobility devices and e-bikes are permitted
• Horses are allowed on the Woodland and Biener Bush trails only
• Ride at a safe speed - recommended maximum speed of 20km/hr
• Stay to the right, pass on the left (when safe to do so)
• When stopped, move safely off to one side
• Warn others you are passing by calling out or using your bell
• Keep dogs on leash – stoop and scoop

Code of Conduct

• Show courtesy and respect to all users – share the trail
• Put garbage in its place – no litter, leave no trace
• Wheels yield to heels – pedestrians and mobility devices always have the right of way
• Cyclists, ride in control – travel safe and slow, maximum speed 20km/hr
• Stay on the trail – respect private property and natural vegetation

A few other simple tips for sharing mixed-use trails and pathways:

• Travel with the flow of traffic
• Respect the variety of users and range of abilities on the trail and adjust speed accordingly
• Use caution at night – ensure your bicycle is properly lit and wear highly visible clothing
• Keep pedestrian and cycling areas clear – do not park your bicycle on a trail or path
• Commit to common sense

When we work together we all benefit. Let’s show mutual respect on our trails and ensure they continue to be an incredible asset for all users to enjoy.

Thanks for reading this week’s Bike Friendly Friday tip. Read our past tips on Bicycle Bells, the 1 Metre Safe Passing Law and Sharing the Road. For more information about cycling in Saugeen Shores and safety resources visit SaugeenShores.ca/Cycling.

Our Trail Safety Guide was developed in partnership wit the Saugeen Rail Trail Association and funded in part by Bruce Power.

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