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Bike Friendly Friday Tip 1 Use a Bell Use it Well 560


The Town of Saugeen Shores and the Saugeen Shores Police Service have partnered up to share weekly tips to encourage and educate all users on how to stay safe when enjoying our trails and roadways together.

Stay tuned for our Bike Friendly Friday tips this August.

Tip #1: Use your bell. Use it well.

Biking Port Elgin

The Importance of a Bike Bell

Who needs a bell?
Everyone who rides a bike, including kids!
Did you know?.. According to the Highway Traffic Act every bicycle "shall be equipped with a bell, and is sounded to notify others."

Why are bells important?
Alerts all trail users that you're approaching
Allows cyclists to safely navigate busy trails
Builds respect and trust among all users
Cost effective method of improving safety

When to use your bell?
While cycling on roadways and trails
When approaching other trail users

What does the bell mean?
For pedestrians: A cyclist is approaching, please move to the right when safe to do so
For cyclists: You're alerting other users of your approach and plans to pass on the left when safe to do so

5 Tips to Using your Bell Well
1. Attach your bell to your handlebars for quick and easy access.
2. Ring 1 to 4 times well in advance (10-20m) to not alarm others.
3. Use it to announce that you're approaching a road/trail user and intend to pass on their left.
4. Show respect to all trail and road users by using a bell and passing safely.
5. Remember, "wheels yield to heels," pedestrians have the right of way. Always wait to pass until safe to do so.

Thanks for reading this week’s Bike Friendly Friday tip. Upcoming tips include the 1 Metre Passing Law, Sharing the Road and Sharing the Trail.

For more information about cycling in Saugeen Shores, and safety resources visit SaugeenShores.ca/Cycling.

Bicycle Bell 101 Guide For Print 1

Bicycle Bell 101 Guide For Print 2