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A Canada Day ribbon cutting ceremony in Port Elgin officially opened the new paved, accessible section of the Saugeen Rail Trail.

Hub Staff

The Saugeen Rail Trail Association (SRTA) had reason to celebrate on Canada Day July 1 as they marked the official opening of a new accessible, paved section of the trail at the River Street Train Station in Port Elgin.

The new paved section stretches for two kilometres, running between Concession 10 and Elgin Street in Port Elgin, explained SRTA Past President Bruce Alexander. “We've provided a piece of the trail to add to the Saugeen Shores parks and trails network of trails for all user groups,” he said. “That's been our development, to make it accessible for all users and all activities.”

The SRTA is a volunteer run charitable organization with volunteer hours taking care of all the maintenance and labour on the trails and any capital costs are covered by donations.

“We get a donation from the Town, we get corporate donations, but most of it is trail membership donations,” explained Alexander.

The new paved accessible section was made possible by a substantial contribution from Southampton resident, Jane MacDougal, who was in attendance at the July 1 celebration.

Saugeen Shores Councillor Kristan Shrider said that the trail system in Saugeen Shores was the envy of other municipalities in Grey and Bruce. "This paving of the two kilometres just sets another standard,” said Shrider. “We have improved accessibility, we want inclusive activities for everybody," she added.

Joyce Jane

Saugeen Rail Trail Association's Joyce Scammell (left) and donor Jane MacDougal were dressed the part for the July 1 celebration.


The new two kilometre paved section of the Saugeen Rail Trail runs between Concession 10 and Elgin Street in Port Elgin.


The ceremony was held at the River Street Train Station in Port Elgin.


Saugeen Shores Councillor Kristan Shrider had cycled on the Saugeen Rail Trail to participate in the opening ceremony July 1.


In front, from left, Drew (4), Colby (5) and Peyton (7) were trying out the new paved section of the Saugeen Rail Trail, participating in a safety learning obstacle course.


Saugeen Rail Trail's Bruce Alexander watched as Gerry Boucher drew a name from Ann MacKay July 1. Several children who participated in the event's obstacle course won a new bicycle helmet.