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The Nuclear Innovation Institute (NII) and the Town of Saugeen Shores have reached approval in principle to begin operation of NII in the community of Port Elgin.

In a joint media release, NII will be leasing, from the municipality, a 6,000 square foot facility at 620 Tomlinson Drive to establish iSPACE 620 as the innovation space/laboratory to launch NII’s operations. Both parties plan to execute the lease in July following NII’s first Board of Directors meeting and following final approval by Saugeen Shores Council.

“The Town of Saugeen Shores is committed to finalizing a lease with the Nuclear Innovation Institute now that it is incorporated. This arrangement represents an exciting opportunity for our municipality to work in close collaboration with the NII,” said Mayor Luke Charbonneau. “The Nuclear Innovation Institute will attract leading-edge researchers, innovative thinkers and change makers to our community. We are looking forward to welcoming the NII into their new space in Saugeen Shores.”

Last week, NII received approval from Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada for incorporation as a not-for-profit entity which has furthered NII in establishing itself as Canada’s leading-edge nuclear applied research facility and centre of excellence for talent development and business innovation. This is an important first step to begin forming additional partnerships and securing space.

“We look forward to begin operating in Saugeen Shores, a community that is recognized for adhering to the core values of NII. Saugeen Shores promotes collaboration and continuous learning; encourages active inquiry and research, and fosters creative and dynamic ideas – an ideal community for NII to join,” said Frank Saunders, President, NII. “Our new location, which we will name iSPACE 620, will allow us to have core staff working together in one location and also include space for research teams to begin working on problems and solutions.”

Renovations to the facility will begin shortly after Saugeen Shores Police move to their new location. The NII is committed to begin operating Innovation Teams in the interim and will seek creative solutions to operate teams in various locations in the area while renovations are underway.

Over the past year, NII has made progress to secure partnerships with organizations and develop a framework for operating. As more partnerships are formed, and members are secured, a physical presence to operate out of is a critical next step to demonstrate that NII is ready and open for business.

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The Nuclear Innovation Institute is expected to begin operations later this year.