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southampton legion

Hub Staff

Southampton Legion President John Willetts delivered a report to Saugeen Shores Council April 23 on the developments of their Legion Branch 155. The Southampton Branch has defied the odds with an outstanding growth of 25 percent (projected for May or June of 2019) in membership over the last two years, where across Canada legions continue to lose about 2 percent of members annually.

This notable growth has drawn attention from the Ottawa and Regional Commanders who have requested of Willetts his “recipe” for success.

With recent renovations completed, Willetts expressed his excitement in opening the Legion up as a public facility and was pleased when already they were faced with three separate organizations who wanted to reserve the space for the same evening.

In closing, Willetts indicated that the Southampton cenotaph is due for repairs. The legion has reached out to Friends of the Flag and the Southampton BIA and has looked at past designs for inspiration. Willetts is hoping to garner support from council and staff to “renovate and perhaps embellish this strategic piece of property in our downtown core.”

Mayor Luke Charbonneau thanked Willetts and the Southampton Legion for all the work they do for the community. To the cenotaph, Charbonneau commented, “this is definitely a project that’s got a lot of merit” and encouraged the legion to discuss the opportunity with the town staff.