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dental donations eco camp

Maples Dental Clinic's Drs Mike Johnson and Melissa Roseborough (left) and MacKay Family Dental's Dr Gord MacKay (right) present a donation to Bluewater Education Foundation's Ann MacKay to support bussing from Saugeen Shores to the Eco-Adventurer Camp July 15 to 19. Photo submitted

Hub Staff

Maples Dental Clinic and MacKay Family Dental showed their support for the Bluewater Outdoor Education Centre (BOEC)'s Eco-Adventurer Camp by sponsoring bussing from Saugeen Shores.

The camp, a few kilometres west of Wiarton, takes place July 15 to 19 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and is for children ages 8 to 12. The cost is $175 per child plus $50 for the week for daily transportation from Lakeshore Recreation.

For more information call 519-534-2767 or visit the BOEC on Facebook at facebook.com/BluewaterOutdoorEducationCentre.