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Ian Clark

Saugeen Shores Constable Ian Clark (pictured) along with Constable Matt Tutin will be rolling out the KIDS program (Knowledge, Issues, Decisions and Support) at Saugeen Shores schools beginning this week. Photo submitted

The Saugeen Shores Police Service (SSPS) has launched a new in-school educational program called KIDS. In a SSPS media release, the new program replaces the Drug Awareness Resistance Education (DARE) program that had been in effect for many years in Saugeen Shores.

KIDS stands for "Knowledge, Issues, Decisions and Support" and centres around empowerment, mutual respect, social/digital media awareness as well as the law and values of society. KIDS utilizes interactive teaching tools where much of the content is driven by the student input and feedback.

KIDS was developed by the Ontario Provincial Police and educators to be a contemporary program that adheres to the provincial education curriculum. This program was first introduced to schools in 2013. In addition to the OPP, many municipal police services now use KIDS in their local schools.

Beginning this week, Police Constables Ian Clark and Matt Tutin will be rolling out this program to Grade 6 students at primary schools in Saugeen Shores over the next two weeks, with 10 one hour sessions. KIDS will create and reinforce strong relationships between young persons and police.