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Saugeen Shores firefighters could be found at three locations in Saugeen Shores November 17 for their annual Firefighters Food Drive. At Rowland's Independent were, from left, Craig Kealey, Allie McMeekin, former Co-op student Jackson Weber, and Scott McMeekin. Rob Atkinson photo

Hub Staff

Saugeen Shores firefighters from Station #50 in Southampton and Station #60 in Port Elgin had a presence at three grocery stores on Saturday, November 17 for their annual Firefighters Food Drive, bringing in 2,795.5 pounds of food and $2,743.15 in cash donations.

Each November the firefighters collect donations for the local Salvation Army Food Bank and this year's totals exceeded last year's of 2,387 pounds of food and $2,457 in cash.

Fire trucks were parked at Rowland's Independent Grocer at the north end of Port Elgin, at Walmart at the south end and at Foodland in Southampton with members of the Saugeen Shores Fire Department greeting the many generous shoppers who handed over items to help local families in need.

"We can't thank the community enough for their generous support and the local businesses that let us set up at their location," said Captain Rob Atkinson in a November 20 email


Firefighters Terry Chappell (left) John Campbell, Julie Ferguson, and Glenn Goodale were stationed outside of Foodland in Southampton as they gathered donations for the Salvation Army Food Bank November 17.


The Saugeen Shores Fire crew at Walmart included Keith Steingart, Gary Smith, Robert Blue, Matt Carr, and Jim Trendyle.