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Saugeen Shores YMCA

The Town of Saugeen Shores has commissioned the consulting firm LeisurePlan International Inc. to undertake a Market Study for a new potential recreation facility in partnership with the YMCA.

In a Town media release, the purpose of the study is to determine the potential market and demand for programs, activities and services that may be provided at the new facility. It will include a telephone survey of adult residents of Saugeen Shores to obtain their opinions concerning their present and future participation in recreation, fitness, health and aquatic programs and activities.

The telephone survey will be conducted over the next few weeks with each interview taking approximately 10 minutes to complete. Residents who receive calls are encouraged to participate and take their time to respond with their recreation needs in mind. Responses collected will assist in planning of the proposed new recreation facility, with all responses remaining confidential.

After a Memorandum of Understanding was approved earlier this year, the Market Study was identified as the next step between The Town of Saugeen Shores and The YMCA of Owen Sound Grey Bruce. With the vision that the YMCA could operate the new recreation facility on behalf of the Town, the facility would replace the 43 year old Centennial Pool, and accommodate the recreation needs of the growing population of Saugeen Shores.

Residents who would like more information regarding the Market Study can contact Jayne Jagelewski, Director of Community Services for the Town of Saugeen Shores at 519-832-2008, extension 126, email jayne.jagelewski@saugeenshores.ca or John Stevenson, Project Director with LeisurePlan International Inc., 416-703-8670, email johns@leisureplan.ca.