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students and committee

The Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW) Southport presented three mature students with scholarships, September 12 at the Bruce County Museum and Cultural Centre. From left, scholarship recipient Cheyenne Fortune, CFUW Southport member Jane Kramer, scholarship recipient Iven Saldana, CFUW Southport member Sandie Primeau and scholarship recipient Shelby Caswell.

Hub Staff

Three woman seeking higher education were each the recipient of a scholarship from the Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW) Southport at their Welcome Back Wine and Cheese night September 12 at the Bruce County Museum and Cultural Centre. The three mature students each received $1,000 and are currently enrolled in three very different offerings at Fanshawe College.

One of the scholarship winners was Iven Saldana who is one of three women in a Welding Techniques course being taught through Fanshawe in Tiverton, Ontario. Saldana said the course, which consists of evening classes, is eight months long. Saldana is new to Canada and immigrated from Mexico where she was a Graphic Designer. Once moving to the area she decided welding would be a good opportunity in the Bruce County work force and hopes to get her ticket at the end of the course. Upon receiving the scholarship she said that it was awesome. "Things like these are not in every country, so I’m blessed and honoured to have it," she said.

Cheyenne Fortune is attending school in Kincardine to become a Personal Support Worker (PSW). Fortune has been a stay-at-home mom to her 7 year old daughter and wanted to better her career for the two of them. “I want to have a better life and I’ve always wanted to do that as a career so now I’m finally doing it," she said, adding that the opportunity to have more funds to do so makes her very thankful. “I’m very pleased and happy and thankful for this, it helps a lot," she said.

The final recipient of the $1,000 scholarship was Shelby Caswell who is currently enrolled in a Food Service Worker program, also through Fanshawe College. Caswell currently works as a cook and Dietary Aid at Pinecrest Manor Long Term Care Home in Lucknow. Her course will take three years to complete and her current employment entails cooking breakfast, lunch and dinner for residents at the care home, which she is happy to do.

Caswell, a mother herself, was inspired to work in longterm care by her mother who was a PSW and knew the work that goes into assisting the elderly. She knew her skills would be of benefit. "You still get that personal connection with residents and it’s just nice because they get really happy when you can make their day better with some food,” she said. Caswell wanted to thank the CFUW for their assistance in helping her start her new career. “It feels really good because it will help me and it's just a nice accomplishment because I've been working towards achieving something and I just wasn't sure what that would be but now I have this extra reimbursement which is really nice because it is expensive to take these courses," she said.

The three mature students were selected following a letter submission to Southport's Scholarship Committee. Scholarship funds were raised through membership dues, memorial donations and a recent fundraiser dinner by one of the committee members.


From left, mature students Iven Saldana, Cheyenne Fortune and Shelby Caswell are all attending different offerings from Fanshawe College and each received a $1,000 scholarship from the CFUW Southport.

cfuw scholarship committee

The Canadian Federation of University Women (CFUW) Southport’s Scholarship Committee chose the three mature students through a written letter submission process.

wine and cheese

It was a fresh start to a new year for CFUW members new and old at the Welcome Back Wine and Cheese Night September 12.