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diane huber

Hub Staff

Current Saugeen Shores Vice Deputy Mayor Diane Huber has put her hat in the ring for Deputy Mayor in the upcoming October Municipal Election. Huber, who fulfilled two terms as Southampton Ward Councillor prior to her Vice Deputy Mayorship, is also the chair of the Municipal Heritage Committee and has been on various community committees.

Huber said that she's the type of person who asks questions, has a sense of responsibility to Saugeen Shores and knows that her work isn't done. She said she is excited to be running in another election.

“There are some aspects of the community that I care greatly about, one of them being parks, neighbourhoods and heritage," said Huber August 18.

Huber said her running for the Deputy Mayor position makes sense as she has, in her current role, had the opportunity to fill in for outgoing Mayor Mike Smith and been part of the Steering Committee with Smith and acclaimed Mayor Luke Charbonneau. “I've had a chance to do some interesting things representing him," she said.

Huber said she believes in stepping stones and said that her move from the Vice Deputy Mayor's role will not only give others that opportunity but will also create new opportunities for herself if elected. She also noted that there hasn't been a female voice in a management role for council in a long time.

“The diverse conversation that happens when you have a mix of people who have different ages, men, women, different backgrounds, different family situations and different lifestyles, it makes the decision making process sometimes longer but also way more effective,” said Huber, who went onto say that people bring their lived experiences with them to council. "It works really well on council when you have a breadth of experience."

Huber is running against current Southampton Ward Councillor Don Matheson for the Deputy Mayor's role on Saugeen Shores Council.

See: Southampton Ward councillor vies for Deputy Mayor seat