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Luke Charbonneau

Current Deputy Mayor Luke Charbonneau has been acclaimed Mayor of Saugeen Shores.

Hub Staff

Current Deputy Mayor Luke Charbonneau has been acclaimed to the office of Mayor of Saugeen Shores following a short but successful campaign with no challengers as of July 27. “It is an incredible honour for me to have this opportunity to lead our great and growing community. I am looking forward to leading a new team of outstanding councillors working together to make Saugeen Shores an even better place to live,” said Charbonneau July 31.

The 36 year old co-owner of Hi-Berry Farms has been a member of Saugeen Shores Council for the past 12 years, sitting one term as a Ward Councillor for Saugeen Township and two terms as Deputy Mayor. Wearing many hats, Charbonneau is also Chair of the Saugeen Shores Police Services Board and Chair of the Saugeen Valley Conservation Authority, roles that he said he will be leaving come January 2019.

“I have served on the Police Board for eight years and on the SVCA for 11. I have greatly enjoyed my time with each organization and feel that we have made great progress during the time that I have been involved. That said, as I take on new obligations as Mayor, I think that this is an excellent time for renewal and new representation on those Boards,” Charbonneau said.

When he announced his run for the mayor’s seat in May, Charbonneau expressed his vision for the next Saugeen Shores Council as follows:

• A Council that is strategic and active in its efforts to leverage local benefit from the regionally significant investments being made by Bruce Power.

• A Council that ensures that our neighbourhoods develop in a way that reflects the wishes of the people who actually live in them.

• A Council that stands up to protect vital local services by ensuring that they are well equipped, cost effective and, as much as possible, locally controlled.

• A Council that recognizes the importance of local businesses and that works to support the local people that they employ.

• A Council that proudly recognizes that Saugeen Shores is one of the best places to live in Canada and makes it its mission to ensure that this is a safe and healthy place for everyone.

“I plan on working with each member of the next Council to help them to advance their goals for improving our community while continuing to protect the financial interests of the municipality and taxpayers,” he said.

In a social media post July 30, the acclaimed Mayor said he would be carefully following the election campaign and participating in All Candidates Meetings and other forums.

The October 22 municipal election has a bevy of candidates vying for seats at the table. Charbonneau’s soon vacant Deputy Mayor position sees current Vice Deputy Mayor and longstanding Councillor Diane Huber campaigning against current Southampton Ward Councillor Don Matheson who recently ran for the Liberal party in the June 7 provincial election.

The Vice Deputy Mayor position has three candidates campaigning including current Saugeen Township Ward Councillor Mike Myatt, former Councillor Taun Frosst, and Jim Stark.

The Port Elgin Ward has four contenders vying for two positions. Dianne Mini Jacques, Paul Seaman, Kristan Shrider and Jami Smith are all first time candidates.

Candidates for the Saugeen Township Ward, which also has two seats, includes current Ward Councillor Dave Myette, Matt Carr, Mary Foley and Patrick Jilesen.

The Southampton Ward is looking to fill two positions and has current Ward Councillor Cheryl Grace running as well as newcomer Stanley Kollontay and current Port Elgin Ward Councillor John Rich.

Saugeen Shores has moved to telephone and electronic voting which can take place from Friday, October 12 at 10 a.m. until election day October 22 at 8 p.m. Voters will receive a notice in the mail providing instructions and a secure PIN number to use for internet and telephone banking. A help desk will also be available at the municipal office should anyone require assistance.

To see if you're on the municipal voter list visit voterlookup.ca.

Editor's Note: The article has been updated to state the Luke Charbonneau has served two terms as Deputy Mayor and one term as Saugeen Ward Councillor. The original version stated one term as Deputy Mayor and two as Ward Councillor.