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Hub Staff

A Request for Proposals (RFP) for new and rehabilitation to existing pathways from North Shore Park to Izzard Street was tentatively approved during the June 11 Saugeen Shores Committee of Whole. The proposed timeline would see work begin following Labour Day of this year and would include a wooden promenade extension from the newly refurbished “Beach House” to Izzard Street, asphalt resurfacing of North Shore trails where roots have impacted trail safety, and a new pathway to lead trail users from North Shore Park to the existing harbour trial avoiding the harbour parking lot.

Director of Community Services Jayne Jagelewski said the upgrades are keeping with council’s strategic plan with portions previously approved in 2017 and 2018 budgets and called it three projects rolled into one. When speaking to councillors Jagelewski said that directing trail users to the harbour parking lot had not been a safe route, hence the decision to redirect patrons around it. She also addressed that the wooden promenade extension can be placed in different locations as needed due to the rising or lowering of water levels, keeping the beach accessible; and can be used as “programmable space”, using weddings and yoga classes as examples.

New lighting is also included for the promenade and throughout the trail located in North Shore Park.

Total projected cost for all three projects is expected to be $590,000; with $450,000 for the extension of the promenade financed by tax levy revenue which was proposed by Deputy Mayor Luke Charbonneau to avoid incurring interest, thus saving money for future projects.

The other amounts of $65,000 for Eastwalk Trail on the east side of the harbour leading into North Shore Park was approved during the 2017 budget, with $50,000 North Shore Park rehabilitation approved in the 2018 budget; and $25,000 will be funded through the Ontario Municipal Commuter Cycling Fund.

During council discussion Councillor Dave Myette thought the asphalt resurfacing in North Shore Park was not needed at this time. “It’s far from unusable, and far from spent,” he said, later calling the project expensive as many people currently use the trail without complaint. Myette later asked for the portion of the project to be deferred “as one is necessary and one is nice to do.” He did not receive a seconder for his motion.

Councillor Cheryl Grace later made a comment that during her time as a councillor she had received comments of concern surrounding the deterioration of the trail in North Shore Park.

Following the Committee of Whole Jagelewski updated media about the ongoing construction of the “Beach House” located at the Port Elgin Main Beach. She said that it is going “extremely well” and the Town is hoping to have a soft opening of usable washrooms by the end of June with interior completion and ribbon cutting set for some time in July. The Director of Community Services said some exterior and landscaping portions will be finished in culmination with the promenade project.