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With high temperatures and a lack of rain, the Town of Saugeen Shores is implementing a temporary watering ban for lawn/garden watering, pool filling, and other water usage outside the home.

In a June 12 media release, the restriction, enforced by By-Law 89-2001, enables the Town to impose a temporary total ban, where deemed absolutely necessary. At this time due to extreme water use, the Town is unable to keep the necessary level of treated drinking water in the reservoir.

Water usage for the Town is approaching higher levels that are usually not seen until at least August. It has been verified by Town and OCWA staff that over 40 percent is being used for lawn watering or other outdoor uses.

“On Monday, we were using over 10,000 cubic metres of water in the day, which means we are running the plant 24 hours a day. This is costly and wears the equipment, but more importantly it really reduces the amount of treated drinking water we have available,” said Amanda Froese, Director of Infrastructure and Development Services. “An effect of this could be reduced supply and/or pressure in the system. During times of no rain, use of irrigation systems increases at night, which is when we need to fill the reservoir,” she added.

Pool filling will be allowed when a permit is issued by the Town. This permit will restrict and regulate the days and times in which the pool can be filled which helps the reservoir to maintain a good water level. The permit costs $106.12 plus the cost of the water and can be obtained by calling 519-832-2008 ext. 130.

Residents connected to private watering systems such as sandpoints or private wells are not affected by the watering restrictions. However, the Town would like to remind residents that an application and inspection of the sandpoint must be completed, as well as payment of the necessary fees. Once granted approval, the “Lawn Watered by Sandpoint/Well” sign must be displayed in a spot that is visible from the street.