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Men came out to walk the talk during the annual Walk a Mile in her Shoes fundraiser for the Women’s House Serving Bruce and Grey, May 27 in downtown Port Elgin.

Hub Staff

The bold red heels of awareness hit the pavement of downtown Port Elgin during the annual Walk a Mile in her shoes fundraiser, May 27. The event saw walkers start at the Queen’s Bar & Grill and walk up and down Goderich Street to raise money for the Women’s House Serving Bruce and Grey (WHSBG) while spreading the awareness campaign to end violence against women.

Michelle Lamont of the WHSBG said that men had the opportunity to choose from shoes size 8 through 15 and said the turnout for the event was awesome. “I mean look at the amount of people we have here, it’s amazing,” Lamont said gesturing to the filled restaurant. “I think we’re lucky that Mother Nature cooperated this year. They came out in droves and we have a huge contingent from Bruce Power,” she said.

The total raised will be known and released shorty and Lamont said the funds will go towards filling a gap between expenses and programming costs and the funding they receive from the government. Lamont said the gap is currently sitting at around $147,500.

“We always have a gap, it seems that the government doesn't prioritize it to fund fully and we also have been frozen. Our funds have been frozen by the government for quite a few years and then expenses continue to go up and the gap continues to grow,” said Lamont.

Prior to the walk getting started, Bruce Power’s Paul Clark in his red heels, informed the crowd of some statistics and touched upon women who have come froward in the #metoo era.

Lamont didn't correlate the rise in participants to the movement but did say there is more response because men are stepping up and walking the walk and talking the talk. “They're willing to stand up for women’s rights, stand up against gender violence, and call people on it when they see it happening,” she said.

The Women’s House Serving Bruce & Grey provides a variety of services including in-house shelter services, 24 hour information and support lines, a child witness protection program, community counselling, a transitional support, sexual assault counselling and second stage housing.

saugeen shores police

Members from Saugeen Shores Police donned the red heels for the Walk a Mile in her Shoes fundraiser. From left, Auxiliary Officers Elizabeth Kennedy, Zach Zadow, Terry Vargas, Zach Mowbray; Officers Michael Cuillerier, Paul Vitez, Fred Tanton and Police Chief Mike Bellai, May 27.

don matheson dad

On the left, Saugeen Shore Councillor and Huron-Bruce Liberal MPP candidate Don Matheson at the Women’s House Serving Bruce and Grey fundraiser, May 27. On the right, walker Mickaël Davaze with daughter Violet at the Queen’s Bar & Grill in Port Elgin ahead of the Walk a Mile in her Shoes event, May 27.


Colin Murano (left), Dave Andrews and Joe Dunbar break their heels in before the 1 mile walk in downtown Port Elgin, May 27.


Organizers said there were more men participating in the Walk a Mile in her Shoes event, May 27 than there had been in recent years.


Many people honked and waved in support of the walkers while some women thanked them for taking part.


Walk a Mile in her Shoes raised money for the Women’s House Serving Bruce and Grey.