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COA Saugeen Shores Posters

The Council on Aging Grey Bruce (COA) will host two events in Saugeen Shores designed to engage and educate seniors, older adults, seniors’ advocates and providers of seniors’ programs about the age friendly community concept.

In a Town of Saugeen Shores media release, the workshops are free to attend, and are scheduled for Wednesday, April 18 from 1 to 2:30 p.m. at the Plex, 600 Tomlinson Dr. in Port Elgin; and Wednesday, April 25 from 10:30 to 12 p.m. at the Chantry Centre, 35 Grey St. S. in Southampon.

At each workshop, the COA will introduce the Council on Aging Grey Bruce and the work they do as well as present and discuss the eight elements of an Age Friendly Community with an opportunity for discussion and networking. A list of residents with an interest in forming a local advisory committee will also be compiled.

No registration is required to participate.

The COA has been active in Bruce and Grey counties since late 2014 forming five regional community advisory committees representing East Grey, West Grey, North Bruce, South Bruce and Owen Sound. The COA is interested in expanding from five regional committees to local advisory committees in each of Grey and Bruce counties 17 municipalities with a goal to provide older adults with a platform to make their collective voice heard, encourage municipalities to embed the Age Friendly Community concept in their strategic plans to resolve issues and concerns of their older adult residents.

More information can be found at sites.google.com/a/mcquaytannery.com/councilonaging. Or you can contact the COA by phone at 519-376-8304 or by e-mail at coagreybruceowensound@gmail.com.