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St Vinent de Paul presentation.2On Wednesday, December 13, staff and students at St Joseph's Catholic School held their annual Christmas Concert. This year they decided to collect donations of cash and/or gift cards and donate 100% of the proceeds to the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul. With each donation, families wrote their name on an angel ornament and hung it on the Angel Giving Tree. That evening, the school community collected a total of $1044.

A special presentation was made at St Joseph's Catholic Church on Sunday, December 17, where staff and students presented the Society of Saint Vincent de Paul with the donations. It was announced at church that the Society had already spent over $5,000 creating special Christmas hampers for those who live within our community.

St Joseph's staff and students wish to express their sincere thanks to friends and family who attended the concert and gave so generously to this important ministry. Wishing you much peace, joy, love and hope this Christmas season.

Angel Giving Tree