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coulter parketteCoulter Parkette, located at the corner of Green and Goderich Street in downtown Port Elgin.

Hub Staff

With the Port Elgin BIA’s revitalization project of Coulter Parkette imminent, BIA President Jeff Carver touched on new details for the project at the BIA’s general meeting August 29 and extended an invitation to a long-beloved festival.

BIA members in attendance, as well as Saugeen Shores Council representative Mike Myatt, were excited about the possibility of seeing the long-standing Maple Syrup Festival, traditionally held at Saugeen Bluffs, move to the soon to be rebranded Coulter Plaza. Carver said it would be a fantastic opportunity to work with Saugeen Valley Conservation.

See: A passing of the sweet torch as long-standing festival moves to downtown Port Elgin

The BIA hopes shoulder season events such as a Christmas Market and Snowfest continue to expand in Coulter Parkette as well as continuing events such as the weekly summer Farmers’ Market, Poutinefest and the Farm to Table dinner.

Carver finalized details regarding the revitalization project, expected to get underway next week, that was contracted to CSL Group Ltd. for $218,155. The project will temporarily close Green Street between Goderich and Waterloo streets and is expected to be completed November 15; with a one week break to allow the adjacent building owner to complete foundation work on the building located on the north side of the parkette.

“It’s been a long time in the works, we desperately need that space to be more functional than it is today and more aesthetically pleasing,” said Carver. With a raised stage, and water feature already announced, the BIA President touched on an outdoor piano that will be placed in the parkette that was acquired by Daniel Slinger of Blackboard Sound, as well as new adirondack chairs and bistro sets that were purchased through a Spruce the Bruce grant.

Lights will be strung from tree to tree to create an inviting nighttime setting and accessible spots for electrical locates will be created and permanent anchors for two sizes of tents will be installed.

The project was included in the 2017 budget for $145,000; amendments to the scope of the project have since been made to include a pavilion and water feature which was quoted for $17,655. This amount will initially be funded through the Parks Reserve and subsequently paid back by the BIA over a 5-year period to an upset limit of $25,000.

The Port Elgin BIA plans to move $5,000, proceeds from the August 19 Farm to Table dinner, from the beautification budget to the capital budget in order to complete the 2017 instalment.