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cham bettes donationThe Chantry Island Cham-bettes raised $2,835 from their August 11 sleepover at the Bluewater Outdoor Education Centre. Kenny Kilday (left), Director of Bluewater Education Foundation, along with Ron Notttram, President of the Foundation, accepted the donation from the Cham-bettes September 5 at Southampton Golf and Country Club.

Hub Staff

Twenty-six Chantry Island Cham-bettes attended a special sleepover August 11 at the Bluewater Outdoor Education Centre in South Bruce. Every Cham-bette pledged $100 and raised $2,835 that will be split between the Outdoor Education Centre and the Bluewater Astronomical Society.

Port Elgin’s Lakeshore Recreation will play host to a Fall Fling on October 28 with funds raised going towards the Outdoor Education Centre.

The Chantry Island Cham-bettes leant a helping hand to organizers of the Southampton Shindig, Don Matheson and Gord MacKay, August 19. Don Matheson attended the Cham-bettes meeting September 5 with a donation to the Chantry Island Cham-bettes.

shindig chambettesFrom left, Diane Huber, Cathe McIntosh, Christine Champion, Don Matheson, Sherry Winnetoy, Carolyn Benyair, Chris Meyer and Connie Moss.