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Group560G.C. Huston Public School’s Grade 8 graduating class of 2017 at their graduation ceremony June 26.

Hub Staff

It was graduation night in Southampton on June 26 as G.C. Huston Public School recognized their Grade 8 class of 2017 in an evening ceremony held in the school's gymnasium.

Saugeen First Nation Chief Lester Anoquot offered greetings from Saugeen First Nation. “It's an honour and a privilege to be asked to bring welcome,” said Anoquot, thanking G.C. Huston Principal Dan Russell on behalf of the Saugeen First Nation Council for his work with the two communities. “The bridging of the cultures is certainly not lost on our council.”

Anoquot explained to the graduates that he himself was a former student at G.C. Huston before going to Saugeen District Secondary School and then Fanshawe College. “With an education all your dreams and all your aspirations will become a reality,” he said. “It's very important that you do continue with your studies. Its certainly has opened a lot of doors for me.”

Principal Russell addressed the graduates with focus on Bimaadzwin, the Ojibway word for the Good Path, which has been a central theme at G.C. Huston during the past school year. “First Nation tradition teaches us that to walk a good path in life, to be happy, healthy and fulfilled, we must follow our Grandfather Teachings,” said Russell.

“The teaching of respect or minaadendmowin has been the starting point for each school year here at G.C. Huston since you were in Kindergarten... I believe it's the cornerstone of your walk along the Good Path,” he said, continuing through each of the seven Grandfather Teachings, such as nbwaakaawin (wisdom), dbaadendizwin (humility) and debwewin (truth), highlighting how each one applied to the graduates.

“I really want you to believe that overall life is great. We have the privilege of living in the best country, hands down, on the face of this planet. That said I wish I could tell you that your journey through life is going to be all sunshine and roses but that's not true. You'll go through some very difficult times, there will be bumps along the way on this path and that's where the final Grandfather Teaching aakdehewin, bravery, is so important. This teaching allows you to stay the course, to continue on the good path even when it's hard to do so,” said Russell.

“You may have outgrown G.C. Huston and you may be ready to move onto another stage of life but as we prepare to let you go we take consolation in saying ‘once a Hawk, always a Hawk.’”

G.C Huston Public School Graduates:

Marissa Calvo (Level 4 Honours)
Shawna Charlebois
Tommy Combe
Kaya Hall
Lewis Hendry
Hayden Johnston
Mary Jane McCormack
Sonny Pilon (Level 4 Honours)
Paydon Ritchie
Aleda Roote
Braydyn Roote
Cyrus Roote
Cole Sedore
Amelia Shannon-Solomon
Zoe Shave (Level 4 Honours)
Darin Shular (Level 4 Honours)
Jacob Stewardson
Spencer Sutter Lammie
Summer Thompson
Sara Tidman
Marshall Villeneuve
Tegan Wesley

Awards were granted to the following G.C. Huston graduates:

English Award: Zoe Shave
French Award: Marissa Calvo
Aaron Roote Memorial Ojibwe Award: Sonny Pilon
Mathematics Proficiency Award: Darin Shular
Chamber of Commerce Merit Award: Sonny Pilon
Bruce Power Science and Technology Award: Darin Shular
Principal Award: Zoe Shave
Geography Award: Marissa Calvo
Knights of Columbus Athletic Achievement Award: Lewis Hendry
Art Award: Shawna Charlebois
History Award: Darin Shular
Fawc and Ruth Warder Music Award: Zoe Shave
Improved Student Award: Jacob Stewardson
Chambette Music Awards: Jacob Stewardson and Sonny Pilon
Level 4 Awards: Marissa Calvo, Sonny Pilon, Zoe Shave and Darin Shular
G.C. Huston Culinary Award: Sara Tidman
Sheila Hicks Memorial Award: Jacob Stewardson
Ross A DeLong Service Award: Sonny Pilon
G.C. Huston Leadership Award: Spencer Sutter Lammie
Lions Club Citizenship Award: Tegan Wesley
Lynda Hicks Memorial Award: Zoe Shave
Rotary Academic: Zoe Shave and Darin Shular
Valedictorian Award: Zoe Shave
Inspiring Possibilities: Mary Jane McCormack

TeganShawnaAleda560Left to right, Tegan Wesley, Shawna Charlebois and Aleda Roote in their classroom at G.C. Huston, ready for their graduation ceremony.

LewisJacob560Lewis Hendry (left) and Jacob Stewardson at their Grade 8 graduation ceremony June 26.

DarinSonny560G.C. Huston Hawks Darin Shular (left) and Sonny Pilon were both given several awards during the evening.

TommyBraydynKaya560Left to right, Tommy Combe, Braydyn Roote and Kaya Hall were all smiles as they arrived for the Grade 8 graduation ceremony at G.C. Huston Public School in Southampton.

SummerDan560Principal Dan Russell with Grade 8 student, Summer Thompson at G.C. Huston June 26.