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pool 560Hub Staff

A motion from Councillor Don Matheson and seconded by Councillor John Rich will see town staff look at alternative structures and locations for a new pool in Saugeen Shores. The motion was approved by a 7-2 vote at the April 10 Council meeting following amendments around alternative locations.

Councillors Mike Myatt and Neil Menage voted against the motion with Menage calling it a political “shell game”.

The original motion stated that staff should consider and report on Cameron Park as an alternate to the preferred Plex location.

“I’m bringing this motion forward because I do not believe we have all the current information to make the correct decision,” said Matheson. He added that reports are dated and do not take into account user groups, specifically Saugeen District Secondary School (SDSS) students, as the school does not have the money to bus the students to the Plex location.

“If the pool is moved [to the Plex] all the Physical Education classes from SDSS will no longer be able to attend. That is six to eight classes, 20 to 25 students per class, per semester.”

Matheson then focused on the need for town staff to look at cost saving alternative designs that he said could be built at a fraction of the cost, as opposed to traditional methods that could see the pool build costing $15 to $17 million. He said the concept could see a different prefabrication build, citing Collingwood’s new arena, aluminum girders over steel and better insulation, saving on operating costs.

See: A timeline and two possible locations discussed for new aquatic centre.

Deputy Mayor Luke Charbonneau said that although he was not supportive of a build at Cameron Park, he did think it would be worthwhile to look at alternative building structures and would support the motion.

Councillor Mike Myatt said that the motion would delay the pool process even further and although he supports Matheson’s comment about certain user groups using the pool, as well as alternative building types, he couldn't support the Cameron Park location and said he received complaints from ball groups opposing the location.

Myatt also said he appreciates the comment the high school users but said he met with aquatic staff and of the 42,240 pool users in 2016, 3.2 percent were from the high school, a total of 1,348. He added that building a pool at the Plex would put it within walking distance of Northport students.

Councillor Neil Menage also said he didn't mind looking at different construction methods then stated that he, as well as other councillors, got elected on a new pool platform and that he won’t get another crack at it as a politician. He said he hoped that “we could get something moving” so it makes the next budget shovel-ready.

“I’m still convinced the east side of the Plex is the right side to place the pool and the only reason it wouldn't be is if we were going to close the Southampton arena because [the Plex] has a twinning capability on the east side,” said Menage. He went on to say that if they were to maintain their assets management plan then the Southampton arena “had many, many years of life left.”

Motion seconder John Rich said he floated the idea of alternative design methods after talking with companies at a recent conference. Rich said one company in particular would cost 33 percent less than traditional builds and said staff should look into similar building methods. “If we have to turn back and do this and do it right, then that’s what we should do,” said Rich.

Deputy Mayor Luke Charbonneau asked if Matheson and Rich would consider removing mention of Cameron Park altogether.

Matheson agreed on the condition that alternative locations would still be considered.

David Smith then told staff they will continue to advance the Plex location, as council’s current choice, “but at the same time look at alternative locations.”

Menage wondered what was going to be accomplished. “I believe we are fooling ourselves by creating this wording now to help the mover and the seconder with their intent and yet the intent is still talking about Cameron Park.” Menage then worried that this project will not be moving forward or be ready by October when the 2018 budget talks begin.

Following the meeting Councillor Mike Myatt said a new pool had been a topic of discussion for Town and Council since 2008 and on three separate occasions consultants determined the Plex to be the preferred location.