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fairylake fullNow that hundreds of trees have been identified as hazardous due to an Emerald Ash Borer infestation at Fairy Lake, the Town of Saugeen Shores hopes that swift action will remove public safety concerns and help the forest rejuvenate quickly.

In a February 3 media release, removal of the hazard trees is scheduled to begin on Monday, February 6 and may take up to six weeks to complete. During this time, the park will be closed to ensure the safety of residents as well as workers. Barricades and signs will be in place to remind residents of the park’s closure during the course of the project.

“We know that residents are going to be curious about the progress of the work,” said Frank Burrows, Parks Manager for the Town of Saugeen Shores. “But we do ask that they respect the barriers and understand the park is temporarily closed to ensure everyone’s safety.”

The contract for the hazard tree removal was awarded to Ontario Line Clearing and Tree Experts through a tender process. The Town expects the Fairy Lake wood will be reused as much as possible. Parties and individuals interested in utilizing some of the wood are asked to contact Ontario Line Clearing and Tree Experts at info@ontariolineclearing.com to inquire and express your interest.

The hazard tree removal is the first phase of the Fairy Lake Restoration Project. The second phase will include rehabilitation of the trail, replacing two pedestrian bridges, installing an additional water fountain and a lookout for an opening date of July 1, 2017.