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DSCF3597 560It was a busy day for on-air staff at 98 the Beach during the 12-hour radiothon for “Light the Way Day” in support of the Saugeen Memorial Hospital Foundation December 15. From left, Brian Longmire, Mike Brough, Light the Way Chairman John Divinski, and Liny Lamberink.

Hub Staff

The Light the Way Day radiothon blasted light years past its goal of raising $50,000. With funds still trickling in, the current total now sits at $64,000 - and counting - which also surpasses the 2016 total of $61,000.

Local radio station 98 the Beach accepted calls from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. and community members, business, organizations and leaders called and stopped to donate to the Saugeen Memorial Hospital Foundation (SMHF) annual fundraiser, which this year hopes to raise $150,000.

Throughout the day personal stories about patients, nurses, doctors, administrators chaplains and other staff were shared to highlight the difference that having a hospital within a local community makes to Saugeen Shores residents and visitors alike.

Money raised from the Light the Way campaign will go towards hospital needs and priority equipment such as a YAG laser, a Humphrey Field Analyzer, an ultrasound probe reprocessing unit, a histology processor; as well as some replacement flooring, a special microscope, software systems updates and patient beds.

DSCF3595 560Jonna Ebel (left), Sara Dolbeck, and Terina Wnyuk (right) were busy answering calls from listeners during the Light the Way Day which raised approximately $64,000 for the Saugeen Memorial Hospital.

IMG 7550 560ReMax Land Exchange donated $500 to Saugeen Memorial Hospital Foundation’s Light the Way Day and challenged other Saugeen Shores real estate agencies to do the same. From left, Scott Saunders and Kate Cammidge-Irwin from ReMax, Sally Kidson, Saugeen Memorial Hospital Foundation; John Divinski, radio personality at 98 the Beach and Honorary Chair of Saugeen Memorial Hospital Foundation. Photo submitted.