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Chief Dan Rivett 560Hub Staff

During the Saugeen Shores Council draft capital budget meeting December 6, Mayor Mike Smith announced that Saugeen Shores Police Chief Dan Rivett will be resigning as Chief as of November 2017.

Rivett said that he would like to call it a retirement and that he wanted to give council and the Police Service Board as much opportunity as they could to seek his replacement.

“I’ve been a big believer - and always have been - that a chief shouldn't be a chief of a police service longer than ten years. I think it’s better for the organization and for municipality to allow that to flow through to somebody else new,” said Rivett.

Earlier in 2016, Rivett stated that he did not want to retire without a future for a new police service detachment or upgrade to the current facility. Rivett and the Police Services Board’s desire for a new detachment, worth $5,294,822, made it through the draft capital budget phase, with a timely opportunity for Bruce County EMS to come onboard for a joint facility.

“My true belief is with this council, given the appropriate information - facts not fiction - they’ll make the proper decisions, both in retaining its local municipal police services, and providing a proper facility,” Rivett said.

He stated that giving the same product they’re giving now will be a primary focus and added that he will leave after providing the Saugeen Shores community with an effective force at the low cost of $477 per household; and with high support from the community with its officers entrenched and attached to the community.

Rivett, who will be 58 next November, joked that he’s not sure when you’re supposed to retire, but admitted that he will not stop working.

Mayor Mike Smith gave thanks to Rivett for his over 10 years of service. “I know he struggled with [retiring] because I’ve talked to him about it many times before, but I wish him the best and thank him for what he’s done for Saugeen Shores.”

If the new police facility is approved during January 2017 budget talks, the quoted cost of $5,284,822 will be split by per taxable lot, $60 dollars over 20 years.