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DSCF2841 560A public meeting was held in the Rotary Hall at the Plex in Port Elgin November 21.

Hub Staff

At an public open house November 21, the public had the opportunity to have their say about what the future of recreation should look like in Saugeen Shores. In the Rotary Hall at the Plex, town staff, along with the help of the consultant group Monteith-Brown, were on hand to present, through information boards, an overview of the Draft Recreation Master Plan. It had already been concluded, through surveys and an earlier open house, that the people of Saugeen Shores have strong thoughts about aquatic activities and maintaining free recreational spots around Saugeen Shores.

President and principal planner of Monteith-Brown, Todd Brown, said that as a whole, Saugeen Shores’ response to the survey (over 1,000) was similar to “ a number that we’d expect to see in a large GTA (Great Toronto Area) community.”

Brown said that among participants, there was a strong demand for more aquatic opportunities and more indoor swimming. “There’s a feeling that the current facility lacks some of the amenities and accessibility that a modern pool would provide. And more of desire to have drop-in casual opportunities for residents. So it’s not just all about sports, but it’s also just showing up at a park and being able to recreate or showing up at a facility and doing the same,” he said.

One of the boards on display suggested that the Centennial Pool location be converted into gymnasium space, with a new pool built beside the Plex.

Town of Saugeen Shores Aquatic Supervisor Shanna Reid said the information found is not saying anything that staff didn't already know. “It’s time to start planning for the new facility, and we have been planning,” said Reid, who was in attendance at the open house.

“In the plan that we’ve received it’s suggesting that we do build a new pool facility and that we refurbish the pool facility into a new gymnasium space, and that’s a really good suggestion,” said Reid. She went on to say that the draft brings a “validity for council to say this is what the community wants,” and that with all planned recreational changes, it’s up to staff to find funds, set priorities, and timelines.

Port Elgin resident and business owner Ann MacKay responded to survey questions earlier this year and was disappointed about the the lack of specifics provided at the open house. MacKay had hoped to see more information that would guide and direct council. “I was looking for a clear direction for the town to be given as far as things I think they should be involved in, such as: the pool, ball diamonds, soccer fields. Things that I consider a municipal responsibility.” She said she would have also liked to see a clear direction on where things would be be going and the time frame in which they will happen.

Saugeen Shores residents Rick Przybysz and his daughter Halina attended the open house. Rick felt that there was merit in attending events like these as “everyone’s voice is useful.”

After viewing the boards that were on display, Przybysz took the time to jot down ideas. “We like some of the ideas we see on the board,” said Rick. He went on to speak about the advantages of a new pool and repurposing the Centennial Pool into gym space. “It’s a facility that the town doesn't have at the moment,” he said, while Halina, who uses the pool, said there could be bigger change rooms.

Rick also suggested that the town think about creating a local opportunity for downhill skiing, and said there needs to be improvements made to trails, specifically around Beiner’s Bush Trail in Port Elgin. “In the summertime, there’s only certain paths you can take because they're soggy... more maintenance, culverts and woods chips to clean things up.”

Lastly, Rick suggested the improvement in heating be made to the Southampton Coliseum.

Consultant Todd Brown said the Recreation Master Plan will take 15 years to complete.

Information is still being collected by town staff, if you missed the Open House you can still view the information boards here and email recreation@saugeenshores.ca with your feedback. Comments will be considered in the final Master Plan that will be presented Town Council in December.

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