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image1 560Team Captain Bry Zorzi (right) of Southampton, will lead her all-female team, sponsored by Queen’s Bar & Grill, in the Huron Bruce Celebrity Hockey Classic in support of Easter Seals, October 29. From left, Easter Seals spokesperson, NHL great Al Iafrate and Zane Braun of Whitechurch. Funds raised will allow Braun to participate in a 10-day accessible summer camp at Easter Seals’ Woodeden Camp.

Hub Staff

The Huron Bruce Celebrity Hockey Classic in support of Easter Seals will be coming to Saugeen Shores October 29 with a kick-off draft party at the Queen’s Bar & Grill, October 29 as well as a special “Skate with the Greats” at the Plex.

Anyone who raises a minimum $25 in pledges will receive a toque and have the opportunity to skate with NHL stars such as Rick Vaive, Dennis Maruk, Tom Fergus, Al Iafrate, Ric Nattress and Mike Krushinski. Each player will also be drafted to a local team to participate in the Easter Seals fundraising hockey tournament October 29.

Pledge forms are currently available at the Queen’s.

In 2015 the tournament raised approximately $84,000 in Huron Bruce and so far seven teams have signed up for the 2016 event. Organizers hope that more teams will join this year.

After watching the tournament last year in Saugeen Shores and being disappointed in seeing almost no women participate, Women’s Recreational Hockey player, Bry Zorzi of Southampton decided to sign up an all women’s team. “Men and women both support the charity, men and women should both play in the tournament regardless of skill level,” said Zorzie, who is still looking for women players for her team.

More hockey celebrities are expected to be announced and Zorzi hopes that one will be female, but said she will be happy with whoever gets drafted to her team, which is sponsored by Queen’s Bar & Grill.

The top fundraising teams will have first draft pick from the celebrity hockey line-up and the top fundraisers from each team will have an opportunity to play on a team with other top fundraisers and compete against the NHL greats.

During a Captain’s Breakfast held at Lakeshore Recreation on October 4, Development Manager for Easter Seals, Charlene Myke, said that only three percent of funds raised throughout all of Easter Seals fundraising endeavours goes to administration. “We make sure that the dollars get to the kids,” said Myke. Easter Seals Ontario provides programs and services to children and youth with physical disabilities, including a 10-day accessible summer camp experience at Easter Seals’ Woodeden Camp.

Easter Seals supporter and NHL great, Al Iafrate attended the breakfast and said that the funds raised at these tournaments is “paramount” in helping the kids go to camp. He said that the “celebrities” become addicted to helping out and “look forward to it year after year.”

Debbie Kerley of Whitechurch, Easter Seals board member and mother of two, Zane and Lucas, who both have physical disabilities, said her boys enjoy these events because it’s a different way to raise money for Easter Seals and it’s fun for the kids to watch the game.

“The camp is one of the major reasons, other than the equipment that it helps us buy,” said Kerley, who addressed government cut backs and said Easter Seals picks up the slack when the government refused to pay for things.

“Our biggest thing at home is [Woodeden] Camp and the boys get to go for ten days and be just like everybody else. They get to play with other kids with all kinds of different disabilities so no one ever stares at them and thinks they’re different,” said Kerley, adding “everyone there has something”.

Kerley went on to say that when her sons return home they’re full of independence, more secure in who they are and more confident. She also admits that the 10-day break is nice for her to spend time with her other children who at times have to take a backseat to their brothers.

For more information about the Huron Bruce Celebrity Hockey Classic, contact Charlene Myke at cmyke@easterseals.org or call her at 705-979-2675.

image4 560Zane Braun of Whitechurch was told that he would “look cute” as his mother, Debbie Kerley (left) spoke to the team captains at the Captain’s Breakfast at Lakeshore Recreation. Teams will participate in the Huron Bruce Celebrity Hockey Classic in support of Easter Seals October 29 with funds going towards Easter Seals which, Kerley said, has positively affected her family.

image2 560Easter Seals spokesperson, NHL great Al Iafrate (left), Zane Braun (centre) and Bruce Wings Captain, Andy Barnard, at the Huron Bruce Celebrity Hockey Classic Captain’s Breakfast, October 4.

image3 560Winterhawks team led by Captain Mike Roach of Port Elgin (right), posed with son Henry, Zane Braun and Easter Seals spokesperson, NHL great Al Iafrate (left) at the Captain’s Breakfast, October 4 at Lakeshore Recreation.