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releaseThe students of École Port Elgin Saugeen Central enjoyed a beautiful spring day along the water with their family and friends, April 30.

Hub Staff

Things went swimmingly at the second Chinook Salmon release April 30, as students from École Port Elgin Saugeen Central (ÉPESC ) helped their fish friends, that weighed around 5 grams each, find their new home in the Saugeen River.

Students have been watching the fish grow since late October, said Brian King of the Lake Huron Fishing Club (LHFC).

“They've raised them up from the time they were eggs until they hatched, and then they start feeding them, and now the fish are ready to be released into the lake,” King said, who also thanked sponsor Bruce Power for its support, and hoped that in three to four years the salmon return to the Saugeen River.

Grade two student Timmy, said that it was “fun” releasing the fish, as he raced from the water back to Brian King for a Chinook Salmon top up. “I have the biggest fish, look at how big mine is,” he said proudly on way his back to the river.

The Lake Huron Fishing Club currently has 27 schools that house fish to be released. Chinook Salmon are in Northport, École Port Elgin Saugeen Central and G.C. Huston. Schools in Kincardine raise Rainbow Trout and Brown Trout.

Hanna Coltman TimmyLeft: After patiently waiting since October, Grade 2 student Hanna Coltman showed-off her Salmon on her walk to the river’s edge, April 30. Right: Timmy, a Grade 2 student at École Port Elgin Saugeen Central with the “biggest” Salmon.

Francis Braxton ecolestudentsLeft: Two year old Braxton didn’t need too much help from her father, Francis Chua, when she released her Chinook Salmon, April 30. Francis Chua was on hand as a representative from Bruce Power, one of the sponsors of the Fish in Schools program, part of Bruce Power's, Environment Stability Program. Right: The 5 gram Salmon (smolts) were a must see attraction, for École Port Elgin Saugeen Central students before their release into the Saugeen River, April 30.

Brian KingBrian King (left) thanked the students of École Port Elgin Saugeen Central, for all their hard work raising the fish this year, during the Chinook Salmon release, April 30, at the Saugeen River.