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springcleaningweek fullHub Staff

The snow has melted, leaving unsightly litter on the ground, but with temperatures rising it’s the perfect time to get outdoors. Now that Spring is truly here, there’s no better time for Spring Cleaning Week, taking place April 17 to 23 in Saugeen Shores.

“We really want to get people outside, and help to clean up, any way they can,” said Town of Saugeen Shores Marketing and Recreation Programs Coordinator, Laura McKenna, April 12.

Encouraging everyone to do their part, the Town has organized the annual 20 Minute Makeover Friday, April 22 at 2 p.m.,with the hopes that businesses and schools will take part and help spruce up the area around them.

“Schools, service groups or families can sign-up with us for a Pitch-In Kit and we’ll provide garbage bags, recycling bags and gloves, and sign them up with a specific location and a specific time and they can go and do their own clean-up,” added McKenna who said people have already signed up for the kits.

On Saturday, April 23 there will organized clean-ups at three different locations at 10 a.m., where one is asked to simply show up.

River Access Clean-up: Hosted by Thorncrest Outfitters (Meet at Denny's Dam)

Port Elgin Beach Clean-up: Hosted by the Saugeen Shores Get Outdoors Youth Club (Meet at the Emmett McGrath Pavilion at the Port Elgin Main Beach)

Southampton Beach Clean-up: Hosted by the Southampton Residents Association (Meet at the Big Flag in Southampton)

With the ice storms, and the rainfall we’ve experienced this winter the Town asks for everyone to be safe while doing their part to keep Saugeen Shores clean up.

“Because of the weather we’ve been having, there has been a lot of driftwood that has washed up on the beaches, and we’re just encouraging everyone to be careful, not climbing over branches to get at litter and if there is something that is inaccessible, town staff can pick it up later,” McKennna said.

She also reminded those who will be taking part in the River Access Clean-up to watch themselves around the river, as the water is high, and moving quickly.

Interested in cleaning up? Call the Municipal Office at 519-832-2008 or e-mail mckennal@saugeenshores.ca, to request a Pitch-In Kit.