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FIREWORKSFULLCanada 150th planning is underway in Saugeen Shores but the 150th Committee wants to involve everyone in the community in the planning of our Saugeen Shores celebration and is looking for ideas and input.

No idea is too big or too small. What would you like to see in 2017?

The committee requests that ideas meet the following criteria:

• follow the committee's theme “PAST, PRESENT & FUTURE”;

• encourage participants to give back to Canada through gifts of time and energy in ways that leave a legacy for the future;

• provide Canadians with opportunities to actively participate and/or celebrate together;

• promote and build a deeper understanding of Canada, its people and what it means to be Canadian;

• recognize and promote exceptional Canadian people, places, achievements and events that continue to shape our country.

Deadline for submissions has been extended to February 29. Links to an online event submission form can be found here or here.

The online forms should take less than 15 minutes to complete and don't worry if you don’t have all the answers for the forms, getting the idea to the committee is what’s important.

If you are unable to access the online forms, both Tourism Information offices in Port Elgin and Southampton have paper copies.

Although the committee would like the public to volunteer and join the celebrations and even potentially the committee(s), putting forward an idea does not commit the submitter to any further obligation.

Please contact the Canada 150th Committee directly via email saugeenshores150@gmail.com if you have any difficulty with the forms or would like to learn more about the Canada 150th Committee.

Some of the ideas that the Committee has received so far are:

Teen writing contest

Port Elgin beach dances

‘Stepping into Yesterday’ - theatre presentations to historical sites

Commemorative flag tribute

Theatre show about the lighthouse keepers of Chantry Island

Canadian content concert eg: Sloan

150th Birthday Trees

Neighbourhood picnics

Floral gardens and clock

Canada: Our Journey Continues - historical components

"Canadian Idol” style contest

Canadian folk songs concert

Community quilt