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image1 lake fullSaugeen Shores Refugee Fund

It’s been exactly one week since we picked up our newcomers at a hotel near the airport in Toronto. What a week it’s been! We’ve registered kids for school, completed all medical appointments, filled out mountains of paperwork, shopped for groceries (including halal meat and loads of flatbreads), taken the family around town, to the lake, and skating at the arena. We’ve shared countless cups of sweet black tea and delicious meals around a very large table with many little faces.

The family is settling in, slowly but surely, and starting to understand more about how life works in Ontario. It’s a steep learning curve for all, but with each day it gets easier. I’d like to share a few photos of what we’ve been up to during the past week.

Related: Syrian family starts their new life in Saugeen Shores

with files from saugeenshoresrefugeefund.org

