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sign fullHub Staff

Director of Community Services, Jayne Jagelewski brought a report before the Saugeen Shores Committee of the Whole meeting on October 13 regarding three Port Elgin 'Gateway' signs to be installed at the north and south end of town as well as on Bruce County Road 17.

“Staff... has been in discussions with the Ministry of Transportation as well as Bruce County on the preferred locations,” said Jagelewski, adding that municipal property would be preferred.

“It is anticipated that the footprint for the signs will be approximately 12 feet long dependent of the property envelopes.”

A Master Craftsman from Saugeen First Nation who has been acquiring the skill of dry stacking at the Saugeen Amphitheatre has been in discussions with Town staff. “They have expressed a desire to construct the dry stack base of each sign and staff looks forward to potentially partnering with them on this project,” said Jagelewski.

The Town budgeted $40,000 for the signs, which includes preparing the ground, the drystack as well as the signs themselves. They're to be constructed in such a way that their durability will compare to the existing signs in Southampton. “Certainly there's some longevity to the signs,” said Jagelewski.

The sign was designed locally by Canvas Studios and they're expected to be installed by the Fall.