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CarHub Staff

The final Cruisers' Cruise Night of the summer took place at its usual spot down by the big flag in Southampton on Thursday, August 27. The weekly show runs Thursday evenings in the summer and started this year on June 4.

“I want to thank all the vehicle owners that come out every Thursday night to make Cruisers' Cruise Night the success it is for the Saugeen Memorial Hospital,” said Mr. Crusier, Gary Brown.

The Saugeen Memorial Hospital fund benefits from the car show through the 50/50 draws and entry fees paid by the car owners.

Brown added, “I also want to thank all the spectators, people on vacation and the people that live in town. There's a lot of them that come down here every Thursday night. I truly, truly appreciate the support.” He also thanked Mowbray's Canadian Tire for donating the 50/50 tickets every year and other businesses that donate door prizes.

Hospital Foundation Chair, Jonna Ebel thanked everyone for coming out on a chilly night and also the car owners and volunteers. “Love to thank Gary who provides us our music, our entertainment and the encouragement to buy more tickets so that the 50/50 total gets bigger and bigger and bigger,” she said. “Over the years the totals have grown and we think we're very close to the quarter of a million dollar mark after this year and that's an incredible accomplishment.”

Executive Director of the Saugeen Memorial Hospital Foundation, Sally Kidson drew the final winning 50/50 ticket of the season, worth $652, which was won by Ann Pattullo of Acton.

Brown ended with, “This is Mr. Cruiser saying drive safe, see you next season.”Tickets and carsWinning TIcketWinnerSunset