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2022 Winterama

The 20th annual Rotary Winterama is just around the corner and Russ Cavanagh, Chair of the 2022 committee said last year proved that Winterama could successfully continue through the COVID pandemic by engaging schools, students and youth groups to get out, be active, have fun and raise funds for youth projects.

The 2022 event will run for the entire month of February and in a media release from the Rotary Clubs of Tara and Southampton, 100 percent of the pledges raised by students will go to their own school nutrition programs or school or youth group projects.

"This year, we are introducing the Rotary Winterama Olympic Challenge," read the release. "Students are encouraged to participate in activities at school, on their own or both during the Winter Olympics from February 4th to February 20th."

Medals will be handed out to students who achieve set distances in skating, snowshoeing, skiing, walking or running, and prizes will be awarded to top classroom participation. Cash awards will be presented to the top three students who raise the most pledges.

Students and youth groups wishing to participate can register at www.canadahelps.org/en/charities/Rotary/p2p/Winterama_2022. Anyone interested in making a general donation are also welcome to do so at that link. Tax receipts will be issued for donations of $20 or more.

Participating students will have their own Winterama fundraising page although traditional paper pledge forms will also be available. Students and youth participants, with direction from their parents or guardians, are asked to email pledge requests to family and friends. Those interested will be directed by a link and receive a receipt by email.