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Bike Friendly Friday Tip 3 560


The Town of Saugeen Shores and the Saugeen Shores Police Service have partnered up to share weekly tips to encourage and educate all users on how to stay safe when enjoying our trails and roadways together.

Stay tuned for our Bike Friendly Friday tips this August.

Tip #3: Share the Road. We’re on it together.

 Share the Road video courtesy of the Town of Blue Mountains and the Halliburton Kawartha, Pine Ridge District Health Unit.

With 1,000 cyclists prepared to hit the road this Sunday for the 2nd Annual Gran Fondo Lake Huron in support of our local hospital foundation, we’re sharing tips on how all road users can safely enjoy the road together.

Bicycles are considered vehicles under the Ontario Highway Traffic Act and have the same rights and responsibilities on public roadways as motorists. Cyclists fare best when they act and are treated as drivers of vehicles – a muscle bound vehicle.

When you as a cyclist fail to obey the rules of the road, you lose the support of motorists. Do your part by being a good ambassador for cycling, and help keep everyone safe!

Ways cyclists can improve safety:
• Be courteous
• Be predictable
• Be visible
• Follow the rules of the road and stop at all Stop signs
• Ride on the right
• Take care of your gear and yourself
• When riding 2 abreast, leave the left half of the lane clear to allow drivers to see the road ahead for safer passing

Ways motorists can improve cyclist safety:
• Pass with care, give 1 metre of space
• Yield to oncoming cyclists when turning left
• Watch for cyclists
• Communicate with cyclists (give a friendly wave, make eye contact or give a quick beep of your horn to alert that you’re approaching from behind)

For more information about each of these tips, visit thebluemountains.ca/bicycle-safety.cfm. The Town of Blue Mountains is a silver-level Bicycle Friendly Community and popular cycling destination.

Request a Share the Road Decal

Show your commitment to sharing the road! Saugeen Shores is giving away “I Share the Road” stickers and magnets. Request one for your bumper by completing our online request form at SaugeenShores.ca/Share-The-Road.

ShareTheRoad Saugeen Shores 2019

Gran Fondo Lake Huron Routes

Routes ranging from 30k to 160k will have cyclists travelling through Saugeen Shores, Kincardine, Arran-Elderslie and South Bruce Peninsula on Sunday.

There are limited road closures as cyclists are responsible for sharing the road throughout the event. For full details on the route, visit granfondolakehuron.ca/the-rides. Thank you for your patience on our roadways Sunday as organizers raise much needed funds for local health care.

Thanks for reading this week’s Bike Friendly Friday tip. Read our past tips on Bicycle Bells and the 1 Metre Safe Passing Law. For more information about cycling in Saugeen Shores and safety resources visit SaugeenShores.ca/Cycling.