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Hub Staff

Director of Protective Services Phil Eagleson was present at the April 23 Committee of Whole in Port Elgin with a proposal to renew the Chicken By-law, and a recommendation to remove Clause 9 which would eradicate the expiry date and transition the by-law from a pilot project to a permanent program in Saugeen Shores.

The pilot project came before Council two years ago, in May 2017, and gave landowners the right to keep up to five chickens on a residential property greater than 1,000 square metres. The Town has since registered three community residents and short of one complaint in the past two years, there has been no 'fowl' play. The complaint turned out to be a rooster causing a ruckus from a non-registered residence. Roosters are not permitted as a part of this by-law and this one was removed.

The recommendation received eight Yeas, one Nay and several clucks. The motion was carried.

See also: Another step toward backyard chickens in Saugeen Shores