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no smoking

On October 17, the Smoke-Free Ontario Act, 2017 (SFOA, 2017) replaced existing provincial legislation on tobacco and vapour products, and expanded its scope to regulate the smoking and vaping of cannabis.

In a December 21 media release, the Town of Saugeen Shores has removed smoke butt containers from outside its recreation facilities in an effort to discourage smoking and vaping on municipal property. Staff remind the public that smoking and vaping are prohibited inside facilities and within 20 metres of recreation properties including the Plex, the Southampton Coliseum and the Centennial Pool. As a reminder, additional signage will be located in popular smoking areas outside of the facilities.

“We are committed to ensuring that our recreation facilities are safe and healthy for the public to pursue their recreational activities,” said Mayor Luke Charbonneau. “We ask that the public respect these changes and do not smoke or vape at municipal recreation facilities, parks and playgrounds.”

More specifically, the SFOA, 2017 prohibits smoking tobacco, vaping any substance or the smoking and vaping of cannabis in:

· Recreation facilities including the entire building and within 20 metres of the property. Recreation facilities includes any enclosed public place that is primarily used for sports and fitness programs that is a charity or run by the Municipality, such as arenas and pools

· Playgrounds and sports fields: on and within 20 metres of any playground or municipal sports fields

· Schools: on and within 20 metres of school property

The Act is enforced by Tobacco Enforcement and Education Officers with the Grey Bruce Health Unit and legislated by the Ontario government.